Volume I: Trust
Ethnic and economic division has torn the fabric of society, including relationships between funders and practitioners. Weaving connection is our approach to solving this problem because solutions are the fruit of connection. At THE LOOM, we tell the stories of how these relationships are being woven and mended through trust, honor, mutuality, and co-creation.
Trust (verb) : to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable. -Cambridge Dictionary
“The deficit in a city isn’t resources, it’s a lack of trust.”
— Mac Pier
Lessons on TRUST with Sarah Roberts
(Inasmuch Foundation)
Vanessa Morrison shares a practitioner’s view of why trust-building is important.
Generous Together is a local, informal group of practitioners and funders in OKC experimenting in building trusting relationships with one another through informal gatherings, transparent conversations, and responsive listening. They spent a year (2021) partnered together to simply have coffee or lunch together, one on one, monthly. No high stakes pitches, no stressful site visits. Practitioners were compensated for sharing their time and expertise. Sarah and Vanessa were one of the pairs.

Featured Artist: Erin Shaw’s Artwork & Nestbuilder Story
Recently I was sitting along the shoreline of the Ocean of the Streams of Story, the place where all the stories that have ever been told and many that are still in the process of being invented are found…
From intention to practice.
Tyler Green (Flourish OKC) and Marcus Jackson (Urban Bridge) move us from the intention of building trust to practice.
“Trust is built on how we handle one another’s pain.”
–Scotia Moore
Threads are the resources that informed our weaving.
In an era where the world seems to be getting smaller, every human being is our neighbor. In terms of our relationship with our fellow human beings, our highest goal should be to “love your neighbor as well as you love yourself”. (Mark 12:31) That means if I want it for me, or my family, or my organization, I want it just as badly for others, their families, and their organization.
See special thanks here to everyone who made THE LOOM launch and Volume I possible.
Share your thoughts or experiences.
We would love to hear your thoughts or experiences regarding race and funding. Feel free to share them in the form below…anonymously if you prefer. You are also part of the story that is unfolding.