Special Thanks

We are grateful for all who helped frame and launch THE LOOM and who shared their stories in Volume I. Keep weaving a blanket of love that will keep the next generation warm.

Fellow Weavers:

Chonta Veal-Project Manager

Mark Nehrenz-Videographer

Sara Walsh-Virtual Assistant

Taylor Doe- Clutch Website Guy

Hannah Bergman-Creative Advisor

Flourish OKC-Resource partner

Scotia Moore- Senior Editor

Volume I Contributors: Sarah Roberts, Vanessa Morrison, Tyler Green, Marcus Jackson, Erin Shaw

Words of wisdom, inspiration, and faith:

Glen Keane-Artist

Erin Shaw-Artist

Candace Guinn-Standard Brand Co.

Elizabeth Dungan-who saw a vision for this work before I had even imagined it possible

Greg Jones

Framing Team of Practitioners and Funders:  Robert Greenlaw, Marcus Jackson, Strong Moore, Ashley Dickson Oso, Alta Price

Prayer Team: Julie Coffee, Angie Daniels, Elizabeth Dungan, Kelli Edwards, John-Mark Hart, Gerald Scott, Cyndi Schatzman, Biz Zeller


Liz Charles and Jordan Humphrey for rounding up the emails

The Generous Together team-Tyler Green, Chad Jordan, Shenita Jefferson, Jordan Humphrey

Central Oklahoma Funders’ Roundtable (racial equity workgroup)

The Weaver’s Guild of OKC for teaching our hands about the craft of weaving

Tyler Green-your friendship, transferred trust, and generosity has made this possible

The many funders and practitioners brave enough to join this relational experiment

The Home team: Mary Little-Stewart, best homeschooling Grandma ever! Stephan Moore, Jonathan Veal, and 15 next-gen weavers who have been patient cheerleaders as your wives/moms have been dreaming and weaving.