We are grateful for all who helped frame and launch THE LOOM and who shared their stories in Volume II. Keep weaving a blanket of love that will keep the next generation warm.
Volume II Contributors:
Greg Jones
Kim Bandy
Nathan Pratt
Gerald Scott
Words of Wisdom, Inspiration, and Faith:
Ron Stidham
Dr. Quintin Hughes
Vanessa Morrison
Brittany Carter-Thomas
Mart Green
Sarah Roberts
Prayer Team:
The LOOM Prayer Team and The Mountain Movers
Lisa del Rosario - for her keen editing eye
United Voice Oklahoma Podcast - for sharing our story
Elijah Jones - for photography
Fellow Weavers:
Chonta Veal - Project Manager
Mark Nehrenz - Videographer
Sara Walsh - Virtual Assistant
Taylor Doe- Web Layout
Hannah Bergman - Creative Advisor
Flourish OKC - Resource Partner
Scotia Moore - Senior Editor
The Next Generation:
You are our motivation for imagining and collaborating on building a better tomorrow.